On Saturday 5th March 12 members plus HBC Tressell ward councillors, Ali Roark and Peter Chowney gathered at the Ore Community Centre for the Annual General Meeting covering 2021. Chair of the Trust, Jim Breeds presented the Annual Report.“This has been my third full year as Chair and I continue to be incredibly pleased thatContinue reading “Annual General Meeting”
Category Archives: About
Donate to OCLT while shopping at the Co-op
If you shop at the Co-op and are a Co-op member, you can choose us as your ‘Local Cause’. We will get 1% of your spend on Co-op branded goods. If you’re not a Co-op member why not join and give us the benefit? Click on this link to choose us.
Our Constitution was adopted on 8th April 2017. You can read it here. Download Constitution