Volunteer Base & Tool Store – Church Street

We now have a really useful base unit located in Speckled Wood on our land next to Church Street (South of Greville Road). This is thanks to funding from the Big Local North East Hastings, help from the Conservation Volunteers organisation and our own small team of dedicated volunteers.








As the photos show it is a small but strong and secure unit that acts as a tool and equipment store and is also fitted out to be able to provide tea & coffee and shelter (if it rains) for volunteers working on the land we are clearing.

We also have a much larger site office, also funded by the Big Local, that we intend to locate below the Green next to the Salvation Army Hall when we have been able to acquire the plot of land that we need.

Would you like to join our Speckled Wood Volunteer team?
We have plenty of work to do to continue to clear and enhance the area of land we have been given by Hastings Borough Council, as a start for our community woodland project.

We will also be clearing footpaths throughout Speckled Wood, repairing the four sets of steps from the valley floor and dealing with other woodland management tasks.
If you are interested or want to know more please contact us.