The Annual Report was presented to the AGM held on Saturday 30th September. It covers: Charitable Incorporated Organisation status Board of Trustees Chair’s report Update on Projects in progress and planned Land acquisition plan Ore Valley Greenway Review of the year Download the report The AGM also received a presentation from Jess Steele OBE ofContinue reading “Annual Report 2016-17”
Category Archives: News
AGM 30th September 2017
This year’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 30th September starting at 10:30 at the Salvation Army Hall, 418 Old London Road, Ore. In addition to the usual business, you can find out about our 3-year plan to acquire land in Speckled Wood and our other projects. Jess Steele OBE of Heart ofContinue reading “AGM 30th September 2017”
Successful Spring Clean
Speckled Wood in Ore had accumulated debris from its past uses as allotments, pig keeping, housing and dumping ground so it was no mean feat to give it a clear up. With thanks to a skip donation by HBC, which acted as a catalyst, we have huge appreciation to those that helped along the way.
Ore Valley Greenway walk
The Ore Valley Greenway walk on 21st January was a great success. More than 60 people including several Hastings Borough councillors as well as local residents met at Ore station to walk the route and find out more about the Greenway. The Speckled Wood section was especially interesting for some who had never been thereContinue reading “Ore Valley Greenway walk”
Ore Valley Greenway
Walk the Greenway route with us On Saturday 21st January 2017 we are inviting everyone to join us for a walk along the Ore Valley Greenway route. We will be meeting at 1:30pm at Ore Station. The walk is around 3 miles long and some of the terrain is uneven and muddy so please wearContinue reading “Ore Valley Greenway”
Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update
Welcome to our first newsletter for all things related to Speckled Wood. This edition will focus on the conservation works carried out in the woodland but hopefully, as it evolves, we could include newsworthy items from all aspects of related achievements. Thanks to Volunteers Firstly, it would seem appropriate to give thanks to the volunteersContinue reading “Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update”
Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update
Welcome to our first newsletter for all things related to Speckled Wood. This edition will focus on the conservation works carried out in the woodland but hopefully, as it evolves, we could include newsworthy items from all aspects of related achievements. Thanks to Volunteers Firstly, it would seem appropriate to give thanks to the volunteersContinue reading “Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update”
Consultation on Ore Valley Greenway
Do you want to know more about the ORE VALLEY GREENWAY? Come along to one of our Information Days
Ore Valley Greenway Project
Description of the Ore Valley Greenway Project This Project is being led by Ore Community Land Trust working with Hastings Greenway Group and other organisations.
AGM July 2016
The Annual General Meeting took place on 23rd July and included presentations to Ian Sier who is leaving the area after being the linchpin of the campaign to save Speckled Wood for many years. A full report will follow.