Successful Spring Clean

Speckled Wood in Ore had accumulated debris from its past uses as allotments, pig keeping, housing and dumping ground so it was no mean feat to give it a clear up. With thanks to a skip donation by HBC, which acted as a catalyst, we have huge appreciation to those that helped along the way.

Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update

Welcome to our first newsletter for all things related to Speckled Wood. This edition will focus on the conservation works carried out in the woodland but hopefully, as it evolves, we could include newsworthy items from all aspects of related achievements. Thanks to Volunteers Firstly, it would seem appropriate to give thanks to the volunteersContinue reading “Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update”

Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update

Welcome to our first newsletter for all things related to Speckled Wood. This edition will focus on the conservation works carried out in the woodland but hopefully, as it evolves, we could include newsworthy items from all aspects of related achievements. Thanks to Volunteers Firstly, it would seem appropriate to give thanks to the volunteersContinue reading “Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update”