Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update

Welcome to our first newsletter for all things related to Speckled Wood. This edition will focus on the conservation works carried out in the woodland but hopefully, as it evolves, we could include newsworthy items from all aspects of related achievements. Thanks to Volunteers Firstly, it would seem appropriate to give thanks to the volunteersContinue reading “Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update”

Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update

Welcome to our first newsletter for all things related to Speckled Wood. This edition will focus on the conservation works carried out in the woodland but hopefully, as it evolves, we could include newsworthy items from all aspects of related achievements. Thanks to Volunteers Firstly, it would seem appropriate to give thanks to the volunteersContinue reading “Conservation work in Speckled Wood – November 2016 update”


On 20th October Hastings Borough Council’s Planning Committee reconsidered the planning application for the development of 31 houses and 4 flats on the land at the top of Speckled Wood. This had been approved, subject to conditions, in February 2014. However, some of the conditions had not been met and the recent redesignation of SpeckledContinue reading “VICTORIA AVENUE PLANNING APPLICATION REFUSED”